i turned 21 and we had to run away from oour apartment because monocle and faceless were all up in there and then alex turned 21 and then wwe weere just running and runnign and runnign
so then I fell in lvoe with joan of arc and then she didnt love me back but that's ok and then faceless caught up and he was burning me at stake but that was just a dream
and then alex was a dream and then I was a dream
pulled us out of the dreams last week alex did and now we're runing again like a marathon where the prise iz us winning life! which sounds motivational but w/e I have no motivation just sleeping for a really long time
fuck off alex i'm tired
how's zie so strong all the time
zies probs the only reason we're alive huh
um so anyway more summary of what happened since last year right um
well we ran across the us and by ran I mean took busses and shti
joan of arc is still in california and faceless never found her so at least theres that and alex and me are still together just drinking our tits off and by tits i mean gender-neutral euquivalent thereof
remember when we were in college and i typed these sentences for real
anayway hi we're back kinda til that fucking guy shows up agaisng
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